
Monday, 3 September 2012

Acts 2: Christian community visual game

This term with our 5-11s we are looking at the Fruits of the Spirit and will be starting with LOVE.

With the 5-7s, I'm very aware that we have some non- readers, so I wanted to find a fun way of reinforcing the Bible passage we were using (Acts 2: 44-46- a short and easy to understand explanation of how the early Christians showed their love for each other and for God).  

Here is a game I've made which I have scanned so I can make colour copies for the children to use.  Each of the 4 aspects of the community's behaviour has a different symbol (not exactly biblical images but images the children will understand!):

Sharing everything- 2 socks (seemed a less destructive image than splitting something in half)
Sold things and gave the money to the poor- a gold coin
Worshipped together- a cross
Shared food together- some cakes 

Children throw a dice and move that number of spaces.  If they land on a picture clue and name the behaviour it represents, they can move on to the next pink square.  The winner is the first to the end!

There is a printable version of the game here if you want to use it!

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