
Wednesday 29 May 2013

Your Kingdom Come: crowns from foam sheets and pipecleaners

This week our 3-5s will be looking at the Lord's prayer through play and exploration.  Our craft will be to make crowns to remind us that God is King over everything and that we are praying for his Kingdom to come on Earth.  

Crowns are a well visited craft, so I was looking for something a little bit different!  It had to be easy to make, something the children would enjoy and, preferably, something that did not involve staples or anything too expensive. So I raided the craft supplies and this is what I came up with... (very colourful, easy to adjust and no staples!!)

 Cut some crown shapes out of foam sheets
Poke a hole each side of the crown shape and thread through some pipe cleaners.  Secure the pipe cleaners by twisting the ends onto the main part of the pipecleaner.

Cut up left over parts of foam sheets and use to stick on and decorate the crowns...
Use the pipe cleaners to form the back section of the crown and fit the crowns to each child's head!

1 comment:

  1. Very fun! These foam sheets are very easy to cut, so you may be able to even use scissors that cut in patterns too!
