
Wednesday 8 April 2015

Pentecost Flames: Painting with Forks!

I know it's a bit early to be thinking of Pentecost, but I like to be ahead of the game and there are so many stories where flames are useful!

This is a really great idea for all ages.  We ended up working on the kitchen floor and even the adults decided to join in. Some of the children got incredibly creative...

It's quite a reflective activity and lends itself to silence if that's an option for you.  Have fun!

You will need: yellow, red and orange paint, foil (for easy clean-up afterwards!), plastic forks, card or paper (we used black for a great effect).  

 Use a fork to blob some paint onto the paper and then swirl and pull or brush with the fork!
 Encourage colour mixing as the flames flicker together...

Talk about: The power of fire reflecting the power of the Holy Spirit.
What is fire like?  What can it do?  
How might the disciples have felt seeing tongues of fire above their heads? How would you have felt?
What do you know about the power of fire?  What about the Holy Spirit?
Get children to share their reflections on the story and their own experiences of the Holy Spirit

Pray: Create a group flame painting. As you paint the flames pray for other people and for each other to be touched by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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