
Friday, 29 May 2015

Praising God: Toast Painting

Very often we praise God through words- either spoken or in song.  It's great for children to know that we can praise God in so many other ways, including the use of all our senses.  This activity explores praise through colour and through taste and is suitable for all ages.

Speak to the children about who God is to them.  What is He like? How does He make you feel? What colour would you use to show God? Collect words and images to describe God and talk about praise being about telling God how great He is.  Collect ideas for things they would like to say thank you to God for.  Tell the children that they are now going to explore praising God with sight and taste.

You will need: white bread, new paintbrushes (or cotton buds), milk, food colouring, toaster

Divide the milk into dishes and mix each dishful with a different food colouring to make 'paint.' 

Encourage the children to paint the bread with the brushes or cotton buds, using colour to express praise for the things God has done or given them or for who God is.  They might want to paint pictures of things they are thankful for or just make bright and colourful decorations.  

When they have finished painting, toast the bread very lightly. The colours will intensify when the bread is toasted.  Say grace to thank God for the food and eat!

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