
Friday 19 February 2016

Open-ended Bible Story Response: Making Pictures

A couple of weeks ago I was at the Hand in Hand Conference in Eastbourne and really enjoyed helping to lead the 'Hands On' stream with Victoria from GodVenture.  We really wanted to give leaders lots of ideas to help children explore and experiment with their responses to Bible stories and in prayer.  What better way to do that then to get the leaders exploring and experimenting for themselves?!

This was one of my favourite activities set up by Victoria and is such an easy but effective way of helping children to respond to Bible stories with freedom.

You will need: Old picture frames, 'bits and pieces' e.g. lolly sticks, match sticks, leaves, glass pebbles, stones, pine cones, ribbons, an old sheet (optional)

Lay out the empty picture frames on the sheet and arrange your different objects and pieces into open containers.

Tell a Bible story and then ask the children to use the objects to make their own picture response either inside or outside a frame.  Leave time at the end for the children to explain their pictures and be ready to be amazed!

These pictures are examples by children's leaders at the conference as they explored the story of Jacob's ladder.

If you give this a go, please do post some of your pictures on our Facebook page!


  1. Thanks, Mina, since the conference I have tried this with my group of a dozen 5 year olds. I didn't have picture frames, so made some impromptu ones using Duct tape direct on the sheet/blanket (I used silver tape to make 40cm square "frames" on a bright red blanket), Worked a treat! Even kids who don't normally engage with "craft" loved this way of reflecting on the story! Just have to remember to keep my mouth shut and let them do it their own way, not direct them. Kids can do this much better than adults!

    1. Yay! Thanks so much for sharing. God bless :-)
