
Thursday, 28 April 2016

Holy Trinity Spinners

So the time has finally come to bite the bullet and think about teaching the Trinity...

I am fully aware of the fact that it's nearly impossible to try and explain the Trinity without committing some kind of heresy so this is never going to be a perfect analogy and I don't claim that it is!!

My main aim really is to get the children thinking about the different ways God relates to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and to try and get across the fact that God is all three at the same time. I'd like to just say 'it's a mystery,' but that's a bit of a cop out!

Here's what we will be doing...

You will need: 
  • collage paper/ feathers etc or felt tips
  • blue tack
  • glass pebbles
  • bottle tops
  • card
  • a circle split into three equal parts drawn or printed onto card

Get children to think about what they have heard and know about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  

On each third of the circle use colours, shapes and symbols to draw or collage their thoughts/ feelings/ ideas about each person of the Trinity. It will be really interesting to use the time to chat to the children about what they choose to do!

Turn the spinner over and stick the flat side of a glass pebble to the middle of the circle.


On the front of the spinner, blue tack a bottle top to the middle.  

Twist the bottle top to spin the spinner and see how the three parts blend into one!

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