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  1. I am so in love with your site! I am a grade 1 catechist and I like to do a lot of hands on and multi-sensory activities. I am doing a class with them on prayer this week and found so many great ideas here for activities. Thanks so much for this blog. God Bless!

  2. Thanks so much! I hope your class goes well :-)
    Mina x

  3. I loooooooooovvvvveeee this blog. I feel like someone who thinks and teaches like me actually was organized enough to put it all in one place. You are truly doing God's work!!!

  4. Thanks, that means a lot! It really makes it worthwhile when people get in touch. I have to say that it has become a bit of a filing cabinet of ideas for me too. Before i started this I could never remember half the things I'd done!! :-)

  5. I thank you and praise God for leading me to you on pinterest and this site. I have used several ideas already

    1. Hurray! I'm so glad you find it useful. Keep in touch and let me know how it goes :-)

  6. Hi Mina,
    I am printing off your wonderful prayers to colour in to send to the children that we sponsor through Compassion. I think the sheets are great and I can definitely see myself using the Lord's Prayer sheet with my class at school.
    Many thanks and God bless!

    1. Brilliant. I hope they like them! Thanks so much for letting me know. It's great to hear what people are doing :-)

  7. You've got some lovely ideas here. I'm hoping to make use of your take home story bag suggestions for our toddler group.

  8. Hi. I write a blog too along similar lines- love to see and hear that we are reaching for the same vision for our little ones. A real encouragement! Rebecca,

  9. Mina
    I've just stumbled across this wonderful blog. Thank you for sharing your gifts so generously and thank God for your creativity. Fiona

  10. hey yo how u'll been God blz ur art and imagination love it and thatr God keeps blessing u

  11. I have just come across your site. It is amazing. May God continue to bless you and use you mightily.

  12. Some great ideas here! Is it OK to pin the, or just the ones on your pinterest page?

    1. Hi! Please pin all you want! Blessings x

    2. Great - thanks! I'm always wary of pinning unless there is express permission, because of copyright. Always better to check!

  13. Mina thank you so much for the workshop you led in Exeter back in March. I got wonderful ideas which I am now using in our revamped Sunday School sessions. I have taken your advice and plan 10 mins of prayer into the session and the kids have really engaged with the activities. Thanks again :)

    1. I'm so pleased. That's brilliant! I really enjoyed doing the workshop and it's so great to know what people are doing :-)
      Stay in touch! x

  14. Hi Mina, Thank you for so generously sharing your creativity with us. We are a small church plant in rural Australia and our kids ministry would not be half of what it is without your hard work. God is doing good things with our kids. We do prayer stations most weeks, colour your artworks as we worship, use your story telling ideas and the rest! So thank you and may God bless you richly xxx Sarah

    1. Thank you so much. I can't tell you how much it means to hear this! God belss you in you ministry and stay in touch! :-)

  15. Minna, I love the Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego page! I am travelling to Mexico to a children's home and would love to do this craft with the older kids but I am SO tech lost as to how to download the PDF!!! I clicked where it said click here and nothing!! We are going for Christmas and need this quickly to orgaize and come up with the materials! Please help!
    Thank you! I look forward to hearing from you soon! :)

  16. Hi Mina
    Thank you for blessing so many of us in children's ministry by sharing your ideas on here.

    I plan the 4-7s Sunday school group for our church and I find your creative prayers ideas really helpful - and the kids love them. This term we are going to be setting up our own prayer station too.

    Your playdough mats are a fantastic idea and always go well in the sessions.

    Thank you

    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement! Lots of blessings to you and your ministry xxx

  17. Could you tell me more about the "collective worship" boards you have on Pinterest? We are trying to do some Cross+Gen stuff at my church, and I think we may be one the same page...

    1. Hi! the collective worship boards were made for the school I was working with. They had planned out a theme for every week of assemblies and wanted some ideas for each week to help inspire the teachers! Where are you located?

  18. Hello! Just wanted to thank you for your ideas! It's so nice to see some activities for church that are not just product-oriented, but about the process (especially a thoughtful, prayerful process). Thanks so much!

    1. Thank you! It's lovely to get feedback and I completely agree about process over product! God bless x

  19. Mina! You are an encouragement to me! Thanks for sharing your thoughtful ideas!

    - Louise -
