
Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Fun in creche: Bouncy balloon beanbags!

In our quest to make creche a place of exploration and discovery, we're always trying to find ways of giving the children some kind of different sensory experience.  I came across an idea similar to this on Pinterest and thought I'd give it a go, but with an unintentional twist!

I found some ideas for making bean bags by pouring rice into balloons and tying off the ends.  After experimenting, I quickly realised that this would only work with big balloons!  At the pound shop (my favourite place!) the only big balloons available were the punch ball type with an elastic band tied at the end so we tried to make the beanbags with them.  It worked out brilliantly and the best thing was that they bounce as well.  One of the children at Sparklers this morning wouldn't put his down and all of the adults kept playing with them as well.  Definately worth while and only £2 to make 6!

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