
Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Creative use of scriptures- word clouds

I happened upon this amazing website today and it really got me thinking about how we could use it to help the children (and ourselves!) reflect on Bible readings...

I've always loved word clouds but been frustrated by not being able to save them.  Tagxedo has solved this problem!  Not only can you save word clouds as JPEGs and PNGs, but you can also choose shapes to form the cloud into.  Here are a couple I made, using shapes to reflect the content.

Jonah Chapter 1

Salt and Light, Matthew 5
They are so easy to create by copying and pasting Bible passages.  As with all word clouds, the most frequent words are larger.  It struck me that, after reading the passage, the children could then spend time looking at the word cloud, reflecting on the words that jump out at them and then we could use their responses to start a discussion.  This might especially appeal to visual learners.  We're doing Salt and light tomorrow at Powersource so I think I'll give it a go and see what happens!!

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