
Friday, 29 June 2012

Using colours and objects to explore and respond

Last week we had Anita from Finland staying with us and she was able to tell me a little bit about her work using Religion Pedagogishe Praxis, a German method of spiritual exploration with children, involving the group making a symbol of the story with colour and small objects.

I really liked what she told me and wanted to try out some of the ideas! RRP is not well known in the UK so I can't claim to know any of the theory but I just wanted to explore what would happen if I used  some colours and objects with children to help them explore an idea.  I'm hoping to learn the proper process at a future date!!  


I put together a basic kit box I could use quite cheaply from The Range and from stuff I had already lying around.

A multipack of felt rectangles and a multipack of coloured foam sheets (children need a choice so there needs to be a few of each colour).

Candles, tea lights and a set of tiles from the pound shop

Buttons, shells, chiffon, bangles, foam hearts, mirror tiles, lolly sticks, matchsticks, stones, ribbons.

Check out the next post to see what happened when we tried  it for the first time!


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