
Thursday, 12 July 2012

The man through the roof (3 card version!)

Today I was telling the story of the man lowered through the roof to Jesus to some 7-11year olds.  They always respond much better with a visual element, but I didn't have much room in what I was carrying so I told the story with 3 pieces of card...

Two men carried their paralysed friend to see Jesus.

When they arrived at the house where Jesus was.. was so crowded that they couldn't get through the door!

So they carried their friend up the stairs at the side of the house, onto the roof.

They made a hole in the roof...

...and lowered their friend through it into the house below.

Jesus spoke to the man, forgave his sins and told him to get up and walk.

Their friend was healed!  The men went home praising God!

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