
Thursday 2 May 2013

Nehemiah Builds a Wall Lesson for 3-5s

This week our 3-5s will be looking at the story of Nehemiah.

Nehemiah is sad at the state Jerusalem is in and building the wall is difficult, but in the end there is great joy and he knows that God has helped his people.  Here are some of the activities we'll be doing to help the children to explore the themes of the story...

Play the feelings prayer game (looking at the emotions of happiness and sadness and how we can tell God about our feelings:
Happy and sad masks (stickers for eyes and mouth which can then be decorated by the children).
Play with cups and jugs to remind children of Nehemiah's job as the King's cup bearer
Use Mega blocks and Duplo to build walls
 Builder role play
Build walls on our giant felt board- bricks and hearts to represent God's love for His people and Nehemiah's love for the city

Use the umbrella and raindrops to pray that God will help people who are sad (see praying for sad situations post).

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