
Saturday 17 November 2018

Star Tea Light Mats and Advent Prayer

The Church of England's Advent and Christmas campaign is called 'Follow the Star' and, now we are getting to the time of preparing for such a busy period, I've started thinking about 'star' related activities that children can get involved with.  Here's an easy craft that can be used with children of all ages and a prayer that they can take home and use throughout Advent.

You will need: Air drying clay or Model Magic, a large star shaped cutter, sequins, hama beads, tea lights, a copy of the prayer for each child to take home, coloured pens (if using Model Magic!)

Roll out the clay fairly thickly and cut out star shapes with the cutter so that each child has their own.

Decorate the star shapes by pushing beads and sequins into the clay and by decorating with coloured pens. 

Let the clay dry and use as a mat to lay a lit tea light on.

Talk about:
Chat to children about the star in the story of the Nativity leading to Jesus who is the light of the world.
What are lights for? How do they help?
Where do we need light?
How might a person be like a light?

Light a tea light and put it on the star mat so that it looks as if the star is shining. Pray the star prayer, asking Jesus to bring light to the darkness in our world. 

Star Prayer

As we light this star,
we pray that people will find the light of Jesus this Christmas:
Light in darkness
Light to the lonely
Light to the sad
Light to the sick
Light to the worried
Light to the lost


Click here to print off the prayer (6 per sheet)

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