Tuesday 10 September 2019

Praying with Games: Pop Up Pirate Prayers, Story Links and Talking Points

Game: Pop Up Pirate

Story Link: Be ready! (Luke 12: 35-40)

Talk About:
What things in your life do you have to wait for?
How do you feel when you are waiting?
What do you do to get yourself ready for the event you are waiting for?
What things in life do you do where you need to be prepared in advance? e.g. packing school bag, packing for a camping trip
Waiting for Jesus to return- like the pop up pirate, we don't know when it will be, so we need to be ready!
What will it be like when he comes? (Revelation 21 gives a good idea)
How can we get ready? What can we do in our lives to show that we are following Jesus?
(the master who returns in the story blesses his servants and gives them a meal, so there is a theme of blessing from God that we could link to us working to bless others as we wait for him to come).

Take it in turns to put swords in the barrel. Every time you put a sword in, ask God to help and be with someone who is waiting for something e.g waiting for some news, waiting for a baby to be born, waiting for test results, waiting for a message, waiting for a holiday

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