Thursday, 19 June 2014

Come Holy Spirit: Fizzy Explosion Prayers

This is a great activity for a prayer station or group prayer time focused on praying for the Holy Spirit to come.  It would also work well for discussing the transforming power of the Spirit.  

You will need: Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda), white vinegar, food colouring, eye droppers (less than 60p each at Boots!)

Mix food colouring into white vinegar to colour it.  Keep each colour of vinegar in a separate cup and add a dropper to each cup.  Cover the bottom of a baking tray with bicarbonate of soda.
 Drop a drop of coloured vinegar onto the soda and watch the explosion!

Think and talk about:
Talk about the power of the Spirit and how it can transform our lives if we pray for it to come.  Compare this to the power of the explosion that happens when the vinegar hits the soda. 

It might be good also to talk about the gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit that can grow in our lives.  

Ask children to choose a colour of vinegar that represents either themselves or someone they would like to pray for.  As they drop the vinegar onto the soda, pray that the Holy Spirit will come to that person and transform their lives