Saturday, 11 May 2013

Pentecost Messy Church Crafts

We had a brilliant morning at our Pentecost Messy church.  There was lots of fun and even some fire!

Have a look at the crafts we did on the Pentecost theme.  All have a fire or wind related element...

Flame headresses: ribbon, tissue paper, gold card, shiny red paper.  KylĂ© also has some fire streamers tucked into the ribbon for extra effect!

Fire streamers made from crepe paper, lolly sticks and elastic bands.

 Flame biscuits: digestives, white water icing and fondant flames.

 Bubble and hoops that make noises when you move them (sounds a bit like a rattling wind!)

 Birthday cards for the Church's birthday!

Pentecost spinners!  Click here to print off.

 Paint blowing pictures.

 Windchimes: Cups, beads, bells, buttons and pipecleaners.

 Holy Spirit suncatchers.  Click here for instructions.

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