This section looks verses 23 and 24 at the end of the Psalm. While I don't think we should always shield children from the difficult and harsher parts of the Bible, for the purposes of this series I've left out verses 19-22 as they are not massively constructive without A LOT of deeper discussion!
In verses 23 and 24, the Psalmist asks God to search and know their heart and to help them to follow God's 'everlasting way'...
Play a version of tag where players have to run from one side of the room to the other. If they are caught on the way, they will have to join the team of taggers. It will get more and more difficult to follow a straight path to get to the other side!
Alternatively, set up an assault course for children to pass from one end of the room to the other.
After playing discuss how it can sometimes be hard to get from one place to another. Sometimes the path is quite winding! Think about how hard it can sometimes be to follow God's path, even though we know it's the right one. Sometimes we need help from God and from others.
Finger labyrinths
As a reflection activity, get the children to sit on their own and silently follow the pathway with their finger. encourage them to think about God as they do this and ask God to speak to them.

Click here to go to the Finger Labyrinths post where there is a link to a printable version.
Click here for how to make paper plate Finger Labyrinths.
Great ideas here! Thanks :)