Wednesday 30 January 2019

Prayer Light Tubes

This is a fun way to celebrate Jesus as the light of the world, especially if you are celebrating Candlemas this Sunday!

Traditionally at Candlemas (or the Presentation of Christ), the passage from Luke 2 where Simeon and Anna meet Jesus is read and we hear the famous lines:

“Now, Lord, you can let me, your servant, die in peace as you said.
30 I have seen with my own eyes how you will save your people.
31     Now all people can see your plan.
32 He is a light to show your way to the other nations.
    And he will bring honor to your people Israel.” (Luke 2: 29-32)

Jesus is recognised as the saviour who has come to bring light to dark situations and to show people the way, and this prayer craft helps children to work with this image.

You will need: battery operated tea lights, A6 size paper, felt tip pens, glue

Put the A6 Paper in landscape orientation and ask children to draw pictures and write the names of people and places who are going through dark, hard times and need to see some light and hope.

Wrap the paper around the tea light and glue down the edge to make a tube.

Ask Jesus to bring his light and hope to these people and situations. Switch off the lights and switch the tea lights on. Look at the light shining through the situations as a sign that they have been handed to Jesus.

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